ManiaCDN upload tool
Here you can upload and manage your content. For details about ManiaCDN, visit
Tl;dr (short version)
- A Maniaplanet account is required to use this service.
- Files are not available right after uploading them. They are reviewed manually. Sign up for email notifications (settings on the top right) to know when they are ready.
- We respect copyright. Don't violate third party copyrights! No commercial music, pictures or anything the like. Details in the FAQ below.
- We check all files before they are distributed over the network. If a file does not comply with the rules in the "Content that is not allowed to be uploaded" section, we will reject it.
- You will receive a notification by email, when we reviewed your upload. Usually the review takes maximum one day. Make sure to sign up for email notifications in the settings (top right corner).
- Think about folder structure and filenames before you upload. Renaming and moving files is currently not allowed in order to prevent dead links.
General information
- Usage of this service is free.
- Maximum size per file is 512MB. Overall size and amount of files are not restricted, but use this freedom responsibly.
- You will find the source code on Github.
Content that is not allowed
- Content which violates third party copyrights
- Pornographic material
- Content promoting racism, violence, discrimination
- Content which is not related to the videogames Maniaplanet or Trackmania
What do you consider copyrighted?
Anything that is not created by yourself, especially if it is being sold commercially, is most likely subject to copyrights or licenses.
The only thing that we can tell you for sure is that you can upload your own creations without any problem.
Why don't you accept copyrighted files?
The main reason is that we don't only control which files are stored on our servers, but also what is being stored on the servers of our generous contributors (listed on our about page). Their kindness to provide us with server resources is sufficient. We don't need to give them the risk of a lawsuit due to copyright on top.
You deleted my files but they are not subject to any copyright.
Mistakes happen. Please send us an email and explain why there is no problem with the file. The more details you give us, the easier and faster we can resolve the problem. As we aren't experts in law, we will rather not accept a file than taking a risk.
How do I change or set an email address? / How do I fix "NO EMAIL PROVIDED"?
Please log into Maniaplanet and set your email in game. Then log out and log in again here for the changes to take effect.